Segment by all means but KEEP IT REAL

We (generally) think segmentations are good Those of you that have consumer/ customer/ patient segmentations in your business will know their power. Being able to understand and prioritise your prime prospects as a business is an extremely useful thing (and no, we’re not going to get drawn into one of those LinkedIn-esque discussions on whether…

Just speak… human

Hearing your customer’s voice “Plain English”, “consumer speak”, “describe it so your grandmother could understand”. Hopefully we’ve all been in meetings where someone has, quite rightly, reminded us to consider how people in the real world, not sat in the four walls of our organisation, would actually talk about or refer to our brand, product…

Welcome to Mingle

Welcome to the first ever Mingle blog post We’ll be aiming to write these regularly, covering everything from what Mingle are up to, what we’ve seen that’s interesting in the worlds of customer connection and research, to our top tips on best practice.  Hopefully, they’ll all be worth a read and please do comment and…